The Complete HTTPBin CheatSheet in Python

Dec 6, 2023 · 11 min read

What is Httpbin?

Httpbin is a popular online service that provides a simple HTTP request & response service for testing and debugging HTTP libraries and clients. Some key things you can do with httpbin:

  • Make different types of HTTP requests to see responses
  • Test authorization mechanisms and headers
  • GET and POST data to endpoints that return the data in the response
  • Test connectivity to a public HTTP service
  • Explore HTTP response formats like JSON and XML
  • Generally build and test HTTP client implementations
  • It is used by developers testing HTTP client code, those experimenting with API requests, and anyone wanting a quick public HTTP service to interact with.

    Here are some of the key scenarios where httpbin is useful:

    Testing HTTP Client Code

    Since httpbin provides a simple HTTP service, it's extremely useful for testing code that makes HTTP requests like:

  • REST and API clients
  • web scrapers
  • crawlers
  • bots
  • wrappers around requests libraries
  • You can test making GET, POST requests, custom headers, status codes etc.

    Experimenting with APIs

    httpbin allows you to prototype and experiment with APIs quickly without needing to set up a server. You can shape any JSON response, get common status codes, test auth easily. Helpful when exploring integrations or trying things out.

    Learning HTTP

    httpbin exposes all major features of HTTP protocol like methods, headers, redirection, caching etc. So its a great tool when learning core HTTP concepts or tools like cURL and requests modules in various languages. Lets you try things easily.

    Debugging Issues

    If you face an issues with HTTP requests in your application like headers not reaching, redirects looping, auth failures etc, httpbin can help debug and identify the root cause quickly.

    Documentation Samples

    When writing docs for an API client/library, httpbin provides great sample requests and responses to demonstrate usage. Saves having to mock things up.


    httpbin endpoints can be leveraged in CI pipelines and test suits to validate HTTP connectivity and perform protocol level integration tests.

    So basically anytime you need a freely hosted HTTP test server, httpbin delivers that and helps test and debug all components related to HTTP clients and servers.

    How is it useful in web scraping/ web crawling?

    httpbin is extremely helpful when working on web scraping projects. Here are some specific use cases:

    Testing Crawlers & Parsers

    Since httpbin provides endpoints that return HTML, XML, JSON responses - you can leverage it to unit test scrapers, parsers, DOM traversal code without needing a live site. Allows testing core scraping logic in isolation.

    response = requests.get('<>')
    html = response.text
    # parse and extract data from html

    Experimenting with Target Sites

    You can shape mock responses similar to the target site you want to scrape using custom headers, status codes, response formats. Helps build robust scrapers.

    headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'}
    response = requests.get('<>',
    html = response.text

    for example, my Chrome produces this…

    Testing Proxy Configurations

    httpbin provides an endpoint /ip that returns Origin IP address. Useful for testing scraping through different proxies to validate they are configured correctly:

    response = requests.get('<>', proxies=proxy)
    origin_ip = response.json()['origin']

    Debugging Intermittent Issues

    Web scrapers often face intermittent issues like blocked IPs, connectivity issues etc. httpbin provides endpoints to help replicate and tests these scenarios in a controlled way during development.

    Httpbin Functions CheatSheet

    Making Requests

    To make requests to httpbin endpoints, you need to use the requests module:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')


    The /get endpoint accepts GET requests and returns the request data in JSON format:

    import requests
    data = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
    response = requests.get('<>', params=data)
    # Response contains the data dictionary

    You can test adding headers, authentication, proxies and more.


    The /post endpoint allows you to make POST requests and returns the payload and headers:

    import json
    import requests
    data = {'name': 'John'}
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
    response ='<>',
                             data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)


    The /status endpoint lets you test statuses other than 200 OK:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.status_code) # 201


    The /response-headers endpoint allows you to specify custom response headers:

    import requests
    headers = {'custom': 'header'}
    response = requests.get('<>', headers=headers)
    print(response.json()['headers']['Custom']) # 'header'


    The /basic-auth endpoint allows testing Basic HTTP authentication:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>',
                            auth=('user', 'passwd'))


    The /digest-auth endpoint allows testing Digest HTTP authentication:

    import requests
    from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
    response = requests.get('<>',
                            auth=HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'passwd'))


    The /delay endpoint adds a specified delay before responding:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>') # delays for 3 seconds


    The /drip endpoint sends partial responses every specified duration:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    for data in response.iter_content(100):
        print(data) # prints 100 bytes every 5 seconds

    This is fun to try in your browser. Notice how the download moves ahead every few seconds


    The /range endpoint streams Response data allowing testing Range headers:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>', headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-9'})
    print(response.text) # prints first 10 bytes


    The /deny endpoint denies you access by sending various status codes for testing :

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.status_code) # 401 Unauthorized


    The /redirect endpoint redirects you to another url:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.history[0].status_code) # 302 Found
    print(response.url) # Redirected URL


    The /relative-redirect endpoint issues a relative redirect:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.history[0].status_code) # 302 Found
    print(response.url) # Current URL after redirect


    The /cookies endpoint sets, deletes and shows cookies:

    import requests
    cookies = {'test': 'cookie'}
    response = requests.get('<>', cookies=cookies)
    print(response.json()) # Contains cookie data


    The /set-cookie endpoint allows setting cookies:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')


    The /delete-cookies endpoint deletes cookies:

    import requests
    cookies = {'test': 'cookie'}
    response = requests.get('<>', cookies=cookies)
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.json()) # test cookie deleted


    The /headers endpoint returns the request headers in a JSON:

    import requests
    headers = {'user-agent': 'my-test-app'}
    response = requests.get('<>', headers=headers)


    The /user-agent endpoint returns browsers and OS from the User-Agent header:

    import requests
    headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6)'}
    response = requests.get('<>', headers=headers)
    print(response.json()["user-agent"]) # Details parsed from header


    The /gzip endpoint returns gzip encoded content:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.headers["Content-Encoding"]) # gzip
    print(response.text) # Decompressed text


    The /deflate endpoint returns deflate encoded content:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.headers["Content-Encoding"]) # deflate
    print(response.text) # Decompressed text


    The /brotli endpoint returns brotli encoded content:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.headers["Content-Encoding"]) # br
    print(response.text) # Decompressed text


    The /stream endpoint streams newline delimited JSON data:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>', stream=True)
    for line in response.iter_lines():
        print(line.decode('utf-8')) # Parses and prints json


    The /html endpoint returns some HTML content:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.text[:15]) # '<!DOCTYPE html>'
    print(response.headers["Content-Type"]) # 'text/html'


    The /robots.txt endpoint returns example robots.txt restricting all:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')


    You can test various http response status codes:

    import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.status_code) # 404
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.status_code) # 403
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.status_code) # 500
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.status_code) # 504

    Response Inspection

    You can inspect the raw response including:

  • Content bytes
  • Encoding
  • Stream state
  • Apparent encoding
  • History
  • import requests
    response = requests.get('<>')
    print(response.content) # Raw bytes
    print(response.encoding) # Encoding
    print(response.is_redirect)  # Is redirect response
    print(response.apparent_encoding) # Apparent encoding
    print(response.history) # Redirect history

    Advanced Usage


    Different auth protocols require dedicated code flows:

    # Basic Auth
    response = requests.get(url, auth=('user', 'pass'))
    # Digest Auth
    auth = HTTPDigestAuth('user', 'pass')
    response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
    # OAuth 1.0
    import oauthlib
    from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
    oauth = OAuth1(client_key, client_secret, resource_owner_key, resource_owner_secret)
    response = requests.get(url, auth=oauth)

    Cookies, Sessions

    Use a session to persist cookies across requests:

    session = requests.Session()
    session.get(url1) # cookies saved for url2
    resp = session.get(url2)


    Specify HTTP, SOCKS proxies:

    proxies = {'http': '<>'}
    requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)

    Use proxy auth:

    proxies = {'http': 'user:pass@'}
    requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)

    Error Handling

    Catch and recover from specific errors:

        response = requests.get(url)
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
        # Handle HTTP error
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
        # Retry after timeout

    Set timeouts to avoid hanging:

    requests.get(url, timeout=3)


    Inspect request details:

    import logging
    # -> logs request method, path, headers, body

    Use a proxy like Fiddler to capture traffic.

    Example Use Cases

    Test API Client Module

    Httpbin provides an excellent way to test API client code without relying on actual production backends. For example:

    import appapi
    import requests
    # Test authentication
    response = requests.get("<>",
                            auth=("user", "passwd"))
    assert response.status_code == 200
    # Mock client module method
    appapi.get_user = lambda x: requests.get("<>")
    response = appapi.get_user(123)
    assert b'"httpbin"' in response.content

    Here httpbin acts as a dummy API that can return realistic response codes and payloads to validate the client module works as expected, without needing real implementations on the server side.

    We can take advantage of endpoints like:

  • /basic-auth
  • /bearer
  • /status/200
  • /json
  • /bytes/1024
  • To stand-in for actual APIs the client code will interact with.

    Identify Security Issues

    The httpbin service provides ways to detect security anti-patterns:

    import requests
    # Test for SQL injection
    payload = "' OR 1=1--"
    response ="<>",
                             data={"username": payload})
    # If API is vulnerable, might see database errors
    if b'error' not in response.content:
        print("SQL Injection vulnerability detected")
    # Test overflow with long string
    long_str = "A"*5000"<>", data=long_str)

    Here we can send intentional malicious payloads designed to trigger exceptions and unstable behavior that indicate problems like SQLi, buffer overflows etc.

    Since httpbin simply echoes back the request, it allows testing the actual API backend in an isolated way.

    Tooling and Libraries


    Popular HTTP client with options like:

  • params, json, headers
  • Cookies, auth, timeout
  • Response content, status
  • SSL verify flag
  • Streaming, callbacks
  • Httpx - AsyncRequests analogue

    Features like Requests plus:

  • Async/await support
  • HTTP/2 support
  • Build on ASGI
  • import httpx
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        resp = await client.get(url)

    PyRESTTest - Declarative REST API Testing

    Test cases specified in YAML:

    - test:
        name: Get user
        url: /api/users
        method: GET
            Auth: abc123
            - compare: {header: Content-Type, expected: application/json}
            - compare: {jsonpath_mini: .id, expected: 123}

    Similar Services

    Here are some useful links for some services similar to httpbin:


    JSONPlaceholder provides a fake REST API for testing without needing real backends.

  • Website:
  • Supports standard GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods
  • Returns placeholder fake data in JSON format
  • Can be used to mock responses during development
  • No setup required, just call API endpoints
  • Example usage:

    # Returns fake post data


    WireMock allows stubbing and mocking web services for testing how code handles different scenarios and responses.

  • Website:
  • Java library that runs as a stand-alone process
  • API for defining request matching and configurable responses
  • Verifies requests received against expectations
  • Records interactions for later inspection
  • Useful for testing edge cases and failures
  • Example usage:



    Mocky provides a simple way to mock APIs by returning static or dynamic JSON data.

  • Website:
  • Graphical editor to build responses
  • Support for JSON schema
  • Customize status codes
  • Dynamic values via {{guuid}} syntax
  • Share mock APIs with others
  • Disposable endpoints, no setup
  • Example usage:

    # Returns dynamic guid value

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