Sending Numerical Data in a Python Requests POST

Feb 3, 2024 ยท 2 min read

When making POST requests in Python using the Requests library, you can send all types of data, including numerical data like integers and floats. The Requests library handles converting Python data types to formats that can be sent over HTTP seamlessly.

Here is an example POST request that sends some numerical data:

import requests

data = {
  "count": 5, 
  "price": 10.99

response ='', json=data)

In this example, we create a Python dictionary data with an integer key "count" and a float key "price". This dictionary is then passed directly to the .post() method as the json parameter.

Behind the scenes, Requests will:

  1. Serialize the dictionary to JSON
  2. Set the Content-Type header to application/json
  3. Send the serialized JSON in the body of the POST request

The API server can then access these values like normal JSON data.

So in summary:

  • Requests will handle serializing native Python data types to formats like JSON when making POST requests
  • You can pass integers, floats, and other numerical data seamlessly without any special handling
  • The data will be sent as JSON by default - you don't need to manually convert numbers to strings yourself
  • This makes sending all kinds of data with Requests very straightforward. No special formatting or conversions are required on the Python side.

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