how to resolve 1020 error in node js request

Apr 2, 2024 ยท 3 min read

You might encounter the ECONNREFUSED error in Node.js when trying to make requests to other servers or services. This confusingly named error indicates that the connection was refused by the target server, preventing Node.js from completing the request.

In this guide, we'll cover the common causes of ECONNREFUSED errors and how to troubleshoot them in your Node.js applications.

What Causes the ECONNREFUSED Error?

The ECONNREFUSED error occurs when Node.js attempts to connect to a port or socket on another server, but nothing is actually listening on that port.

Some common cases that lead to this error include:

  • The target server is not running or accepting connections
  • There is a firewall blocking the connection
  • The port is not opened on the target server
  • The connection URL or port is incorrect
  • Essentially, ECONNREFUSED means the remote server is not reachable to fulfill the connection Node.js is requesting.

    Troubleshooting Steps

    Here are some steps to debug and fix the ECONNREFUSED error:

    1. Verify the Target Server is Running

    First, check that the server you are trying to connect to is up and running. Try accessing it directly via curl, browser, or other utilities to test basic connectivity.

    If it is not running, start the application or service to allow connections again.

    2. Confirm the Port and URL

    Double check that the hostname/IP address and port defined in your Node.js application matches that of the target server.

    A misconfigured URL or using the wrong port will cause an ECONNREFUSED error.

    3. Check for Firewall Blocking

    Check if there are any firewall policies blocking connections between the Node.js server and the target server.

    Temporarily disable firewall rules to see if that unblocks the ability to connect. You may need to create allow rules to permit the traffic.

    4. Listen on the Target Server

    Use utilities like netstat and lsof on the target server to verify it is listening on the expected socket or port:

    $ netstat -plnt
    $ lsof -i -P -n

    If nothing is listening on the expected port, ensure the service is configured correctly to open the port.

    5. Verify Security Groups/ACLs

    For connections between cloud servers, check that your security groups or access control lists are not blocking traffic on the required ports.

    6. Check for DNS Errors

    A DNS lookup failure could prevent resolving the target server's domain name to an IP address. Use nslookup, dig or host to check DNS resolution.

    If DNS is misconfigured, connections will fail with ECONNREFUSED errors.

    Handling the Error Gracefully

    Since network issues and unreachable servers are common, it's good practice to handle the ECONNREFUSED error gracefully in your code:

    const request = require('request');
      url: "",
      json: true
    }, (error, response, body) => {
      if (error && error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
        // Handle error from unreachable server
      } else {
        // Handle normal response

    This prevents your application from crashing if this error occurs.


    The ECONNREFUSED error ultimately means your Node.js application cannot communicate with the desired server and port over the network. Carefully checking connectivity issues, server configurations, firewall policies, and DNS can help uncover what is blocking the communication.

    With debugging and proper handling, you can resolve issues leading to ECONNREFUSED errors in Node.js. Paying attention to connection details and server setup goes a long way towards avoiding them.

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