How do websites detect web scraping?

Feb 20, 2024 ยท 2 min read

Websites don't like it when you scrape their data without permission. To prevent unauthorized data collection, many sites use sophisticated techniques to detect and block scrapers. However, with some careful precautions, it's possible to scrape data without getting caught.

Common Scraping Detection Methods

Websites can recognize scrapers in a few key ways:

  • Unusual traffic patterns - If a client makes hundreds of requests per minute from a single IP address, that's a red flag. Sites monitor traffic levels and sources to catch scrapers.
  • No browser fingerprints - Browsers provide a unique digital fingerprint that identifies them. Scrapers typically don't send browser fingerprints, making them easy to single out.
  • No cookies or sessions - Most scrapers don't maintain cookies or sessions. Websites expect valid cookies and will get suspicious if they're missing.
  • Odd user agents - Scrapers often use unusual or missing user agent strings that give them away. Sites look for valid desktop or mobile browser user agents.
  • Tips for Avoiding Detection

    Here are some tips to help your scraper stay under the radar:

  • Slow down - Make requests slowly, with random delays to mimic human behavior. Don't just fire hundreds of rapid requests.
  • Rotate IPs - Switch up the IPs you scrape from to distribute traffic and avoid single-IP blocks.
  • Use real browser user agents - Identify your scraper as a real browser like Chrome or Firefox.
  • Maintain sessions/cookies - Preserve cookies and sessions rather than making stateless requests.
  • With some thoughtful design choices, it's possible to scrape data without getting blocked. The key is to act like a real user browsing the site, not an automated program. Move slowly, rotate IPs, and keep sessions alive. With care and patience, you can gather data while avoiding the scraping traps websites set up.

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    <!doctype html>
        <title>Example Domain</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


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