Easy Guide to Installing urllib in Python

Feb 6, 2024 ยท 2 min read

The urllib module is a core Python library that allows you to open and read URLs in Python. It provides a simple interface for fetching data from web servers.

Installing urllib is easy since it is included in the Python standard library, meaning there is no need to install anything separately. However, there are a few things you need to know:

Verify Your Python Version

Make sure you have Python installed on your system. Urllib works with Python 2.7.9+ and Python 3.4+. You can check your Python version at the command line:

python --version

If you don't have Python, visit python.org to download and install the latest version.

Import the Module

Once Python is installed, you can import urllib in your code:

import urllib.request

The urllib.request module contains all the main urllib functionality. Some older code may use import urllib or import urllib2 but urllib.request is the preferred way.

And that's it! The urllib module is ready to use after importing.

Make a Request

Here is sample code to make a GET request using urllib:

import urllib.request

with urllib.request.urlopen('https://www.example.com') as response:
   html = response.read()

This opens example.com, reads the response, and prints the HTML. See the urllib documentation for more details on making requests.

So in summary, to use urllib:

  • Verify you have a supported Python version
  • Import urllib.request
  • Call functions like urlopen() to open and read URLs
  • Urllib provides building blocks for more advanced features like custom headers, data posting, proxies, and more. But this covers the basics of getting started!

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