Automating Web Interactions in Python with Requests

Feb 3, 2024 ยท 2 min read

Have you ever wanted to click a button on a website or fill out a form using code? With the Python Requests library, you can easily automate these types of web interactions.

Requests allows you to send HTTP requests to interact with web applications the same way a browser would. This means you can POST data to forms, click buttons, and scrape content from web pages without manually visiting the site.

Submitting a Form with Requests

Let's look at a common example - submitting a login form. Here's a simple Python script using Requests:

import requests

url = ''
data = {'username': 'john123', 'password': 'securepassword'}

response =, data=data)

We import Requests, define the URL of the login form, create a dictionary with the form data, and POST it to the URL. Requests handles encoding the data, sending the request, and returning the response.

This would log us into the site as if we submitted the login credentials manually.

Clicking Buttons and Links

Requests can also click buttons and links on websites. Many buttons in forms and web applications submit data or navigate to new pages when clicked.

We can replicate this with Requests using GET or POST requests, depending on how the button functions. For example:

response ='', data={'notifications': 'on'}) 

Here we "clicked" the Update Settings button by sending a POST request just like the browser does.

In Summary

With Python Requests, the possibilities are endless for automating web interactions. You can log into sites, submit forms, scrape data, and click elements programmatically. While manually clicking around is fine for one-off testing, Requests helps you scale up to thousands of automated interactions.

I hope this gives you some ideas for how to use Python to access and control web applications! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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    <title>Example Domain</title>
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